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Tilføjelse af produkt til din indkøbsvogn
Floor-Fix Pro makes it easy to fix loose tiles with just a few simple steps. First, drill a 2mm hole on either side of the tile. Then, insert Floor-Fix Pro's patented needle tip into each hole and inject the adhesive. The adhesive will flow into the cavities under the tile, and after 24 hours, it will set, securing the tile permanently.
Fixing a creaky laminate floor with Floor-Fix Pro is a breeze. Drill a hole in the area where the creaking occurs and inject Floor-Fix Pro until the hole is full. Repeat in other areas where creaking occurs, then wait 24 hours before walking on the floor.
PVA glue is not designed to handle the natural movement of floors and subfloors, unlike Floor-Fix Pro. PVA is weaker and less flexible than Floor-Fix Pro, which means that it may work for a short time, but it will eventually crack and become unusable.
The Squeeze tube offers a more reliable delivery system than cartridges. Most people find this to be a easier, quicker solution and it create less mess in the process.
We give full credit to Arthur DiStefano and his "Method For Resetting Separated Tiles" patent #5,000,890. Without his invention of a method of Tile Injection, we would not have our adhesive today. It is worth noting that U.S. Patent #5,000,890 (DiStefano Patent, our preferred method) claims a method for tile repair by injection of adhesive and is in the public domain, meaning that other methods may also be available.
Floor-Fix Pro er en superstærk lim med lav viskositet til reparation af løse eller hule fliser og knirkende trægulve. For at reparere løse fliser skal du blot bore et hul i fugelinjerne og injicere og glemme! Floor-Fix Pro leveres med to spidser. Den første er en standardspids, som er velegnet til store fliser. Den anden er en patenteret sprøjtespids med en 14 gauge nål i rustfrit stål, der er designet til smalle fuger og rillede trægulve.
Floor-Fix Pro er vandbaseret og tørrer klart og fleksibelt, hvilket betyder, at det bevæger sig med gulvet og ikke revner eller bliver skørt, og vores sprøjtespids betyder, at du får arbejdet gjort hurtigere og uden behov for en rodet separat sprøjte! Endnu bedre er det, at vores spids har en anti-tilstopningshætte, der forhindrer spidsen i at stoppe til og holder produktet friskt længe efter, at du har brugt det.
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